TikTok Weighs In on eCommerce Experiences


3 min read

While scrolling aimlessly through TikTok, I came across a viral video with a staggering 1 million views. UK-based family influencer Kelly Medina Enos–a name I hadn’t heard before—expressed her frustration with Ecommerce personalization sites.

Click to view the video.

Here’s the gist of what she said:

This is a public service announcement to any brands that have a website:

Let’s say I’m scrolling through your site—first of all, continual scrolling or a “see all” button should be mandatory. I shouldn’t have to click through different pages—and I find a product that I’m interested in viewing. I click on that image, then I’m redirected to the product detail page. When I’m done, and I hit the “back” button, I should immediately be redirected to that exact product, not at the top of the page where I’ve lost my spot. If that happens, you’ve lost me as a customer. I’m not scrolling through your entire website just to get back to one product.

If you don’t have the appropriate technology and coding to do that in this day and age, then you don’t deserve the sale.

If, however, you’re doing this on purpose, forcing customers to browse through your entire webpage as a marketing tool, hoping we may take a second look at a product and want to click, think again. I’m stubborn, and I’ll back out of your website fast. Gone. You’ve lost me.

Many online shoppers agree with Enos’ thoughts—in fact, over 100K users liked this video. So it’s high time ecommerce retailers take note.

The Technological Solution

This glitch isn’t due to some unfathomable technological challenge. Modern web design platforms like Shopify and Magento, among others, support ‘session memory.’ This functionality remembers users’ positions on a page, ensuring they return to the same spot after viewing product details. By putting effort and attention to detail into UX design and coding, online retailers can easily rectify this annoyance, thereby greatly improving user experience.

In today’s digital age, it’s important to remember that most customers are well aware of marketing gimmicks: they know when they’re being subtly prodded to re-engage with products. But while some may relent, many others, like Enos, view this as a blatant disrespect of their time. A smooth and straightforward browsing experience is no longer a luxury – it’s an expectation.

You could be offering the most sought-after products, but if your website doesn’t measure up in terms of user experience, potential customers won’t stick around. The digital shopping experience is as vital as the product itself. Brands need to prioritize the user journey and ensure it’s as seamless and intuitive as possible.

Get Help From the Experts

Understanding ecommerce nuances and the importance of stellar user experience, Sophelle offers tailored solutions to elevate retailers’ online platforms. By strategizing and implementing user-centric designs and functionalities, Sophelle’s team ensures customers never face the frustrations voiced by Enos.

Don’t let avoidable hiccups be the reason customers leave your site. Let Sophelle guide you in creating an efficient, effective online shopping experience. Contact us today to enhance your ecommerce journey.